Democracy and Governance

To promote democracy and governance, PAIMAN seeks to build the institutions, legal and policy frameworks, capacity of professionals, and citizen participation that breathe legitimacy and fairness into government and increase public confidence in government institutions. We conduct in-depth political economy analyses to find the best ways to connect governments with citizens and involve stakeholders in project design and implementation to ensure that we are taking complex political environments into account. Along with our core democracy and governance programs in areas such as rule of law and civil society, we also work on cross-cutting issues such as institutional strengthening and transparency.

Strengthen Responsive Governance and Participatory Democracy by Empowering Citizens:
PAIMAN is implementing a project in collaboration with Norwegian Embassy to Strengthen Responsive Governance and Participatory Democracy by Empowering Citizens. The project aimed to promote responsive governance through building the capacity of selected members of civil society, NGOs and women/youth groups to play a catalytic role through use of various advocacy instruments like Public Hearing (PH), Public Audit (PA), Citizen Report Cards (CRC), Help Line Service and others like Media Campaigns, Governance Clubs, and Trainings.
Supporting, Transparency, Accountability & Electoral Processes in Pakistan (STAEP):
PAIMAN has also worked to support the electoral processes in Pakistan. The Asia Foundation’s “Support for Free and Fair Elections in Pakistan” program supported a coalition of 30 non-government organizations (NGOs), the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN), to conduct election observation, voter education and advocacy. In this program, PAIMAN team managed governance monitoring in 12 National Constituencies of Three (3) provinces KPK, Sindh and Punjab. The program also supported civil society groups that implemented complementary activities related to election analysis, media training, facilitating women’s participation and engaging religious leaders and youth in the election process.
Strengthening Women Parliamentarians in Pakistan for Effective Government:
PAIMAN has also implemented a project in partnership with Search for Common Ground on Strengthening Women Parliamentarians in Pakistan for Effective Government and this project was funded by Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). The prime objective of the project was to increase the capacity of elected women parliamentarians as well as former and aspiring women councilors by magnifying women’s voices and bolstering engagement in decision making at the provincial and local levels. It was also aimed at strengthening women’s voices to better represent the interests of their constituencies through effective and transformative leadership & peace building training in political advocacy, coalition and consensus building.
Parliamentary Watch Programme:
PAIMAN’s second-phase of Parliamentary Watch Programme ventured into its legislative transparency focus areas in KPK. The program was implemented in KPK to observe the proceedings of the Provincial Assembly and the performance of its members.

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