PAIMAN works with communities at grass-roots level through its existing network of active male and female members across Pakistan. We conduct needs assessment, mobilize communities and help build their capacities to play a meaningful role in their communities.
PAIMAN focuses on mobilizing communities for strengthening democracy in the country. From this platform objective and non-partisan quality political research is carried out in the shape of Briefing and Position Papers, Case Studies, Reports for the benefit of Legislators, Election Commission of Pakistan, political parties, the media, civil society organizations and the public.
PAIMAN is committed to political empowerment of communities: an initiative to educate men and women in the art of politics and leadership through meaningful advocacy campaigns, seminars and capacity development workshops. PAIMAN as a part of its political/civic education program conducts on regular basis series of capacity building trainings of women political leaders, political activists, potential leaders across Pakistan in Gender Budgeting, Human Rights, Gender Justice, Peace building, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Responsive Governance, Legislative agenda setting, constituency servicing, networking, advocacy and democratization etc.
Various observation phases included orientation on election laws and rules, the overall political context surrounding elections, the observation methodology and tools, and requirements for observation of the electoral environment.
The objectives of the project were;