PAIMAN Alumni Trust arranged a Provincial Peace Forum on the Role of civil society and government in addressing the menace of violent extremism and building peaceful communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) at Pearl Continental Hotel, Peshawar on the 2nd of September 2014.
The Forum was attended by parliamentarians, representatives of Law Enforcing Agencies, media personnel, officials of various government departments and PAIMANs TOLANA members from various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Agencies of FATA.
The Local Government Senior Minister, Inayatullah Khan while chairing the Provincial Peace Forum appreciated PAIMANs role in building the capacity of youth and women and equipping them with the right tools with which they can help build religious and social cohesion, interfaith harmony in their region. He also appreciated and assured PAIMAN his support in all its initiatives for building a tolerant and violence free communities.