Training of Trainers

A 6 day Training of Trainers (ToT) was organized by PAIMAN Alumni Trust at PAIMAN House from the 5th of May 2016 to 10th of May 2016. The training was basically organized to give orientation to PAIMAN trainers on the content that will be delivered to the trainees (TOLANA) when they come in for training at a later stage. The exercise was carried out to enhance the understanding of the trainers and enrich the existing training curriculum. The ToT was facilitated by Ms. Mossarat Qadeem, Executive Director PAIMAN Alumni Trust and trainers from Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). Other than that experts from Afghanistan shared their experiences, lessons learnt and challenges they faced while developing their own National Action Plan for implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Afghanistan.

The participants of the ToT comprised 10 PAIMAN trainers, PAIMANs field staff which works on the ground and has firsthand experience of working with local communities. Apart from that the group also comprised government officials from the social welfare department, religious leaders and NGO/CBO personnel. These participants other than the masters were part of the working group and were invited as observers