
Ministerial Side-Event “A comprehensive approach to preventing radicalization, violent extremism and atrocity crimes: activating voices from actors in the field”

Organized By: Belgium, Morocco, and the Office of the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide and on the Responsibility to protect, with the support of the Global Freedom of Expression Program of the University of Columbia  

Country:  ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations, New York- United States of America

Duration:  October 2015

Mediation and Settlement of Disputes Open Debate

Organized By:   UN Security Council

Country:  United Kingdom

Duration:  August 2018

Attended by: Executive director Mossarat Qadeem


Moderating Extremism in Pakistan: Working with Women and Youth to Moderate Extremism

Organized By:   Women’s Foreign Policy Group and the Institute for Inclusive Security

Country:  Washington, DC- USA

Duration:  August 2018

Attended by: Executive director Mossarat Qadeem


Seminar at The violence affected the people socially and psychologically

Organized By: United States Institute for Peace (USIP)

Country:  Washington, DC- USA

Duration:  August 2018

Attended by: Executive director Mossarat Qadeem


Debate on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Mediation and Settlements of Disputes

Organized By:   UN Security Council

Country: United Kingdom (UK)

Duration:  August 2018

Attended by: Executive director Mossarat Qadeem

7th International Regional Workshop

Organized By:  Resource Alliance UK

Country:  Thailand,

Duration:  May 2006

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

South Asian Fund Raising Workshop

Organized By:  South Asian Fund Raising Group (SAFRG)

Country:  India

Duration:  August- September 2006

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop CONTACT SOUTH ASIA – A program of SIT Graduate Institute Brattleboro, Vermont, USA

Organized By:  US Embassy, Islamabad

Country:  NEPAL

Duration:  February    2010

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

South Asian Peacebuilders Retreat

Organized By:  PAIMAN Alumni Trust

Country:  Thailand

Duration:  April 2010

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Training on Conflict Transformation across Cultures program, “Peace-building Training and Education Program for SAARC Emerging Leaders”

Organized By:  SIT Graduate Institute,  Brattleboro, Vermont, USA

Country:  Nepal

Duration:  December 2010

Conducted by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on ‘The role of civil society in rehabilitation and reintegration efforts in South Asia

Organized By:  Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) in Singapore, funded by Global Center on Cooperative Security, USA


Duration:  October 2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on “Develop the DDR Planning Course’

Organized By:  United Nations DDR section New York and Norwegian Defense Ministry

Country:  NORWAY

Duration:  April 2014

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

GCTF-OSCE International workshop on ‘Supporting Civil Society Initiatives to Empower Women’s Roles in Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism

Organized By:  Global Counter Terrorism Forum-GCTF (USA) and Organization for Security and Coordination in Europe-OSCE

Country:  TURKEY

Duration:  May 2014

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on ‘Preparing a new generation of civ-mil-police  Coordination for Human Security’ at CIMIC Center of Excellence

Organized By:  Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), The Alliance for Peace-building and The Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Country:  Netherland

Duration:  December  2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Seminar on ‘European Union Training Program on Countering Violent Extremism in South and South East Asia’ at Hedayah Center of Excellence , Abu Dhabi

Organized By:  Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation(CGCC), USA and EU

Country:  Abu Dhabi -UAE

Duration:  March 2014

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Public seminar and peer learning: ‘Civil society, conflict transformation and peace building

Organized By:  Transitional Justice Institute (Ireland) and Christian Aid

Country:  UK

Duration:  November  2014

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on “How to Support Women Preventing Violent Extremism?

Organized By:  International Alert(UK) and International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN-USA)

Country:  UK

Duration:  May 2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Seminar on ‘Promoting Rights, Peace & Pluralism’

Organized By:  the London school of Economics (LSE) Centre for Women, Peace and Security, in London, funded by International Civil Society action Network (US)

Country:  UK

Duration:  May 2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Forum on ‘A Time for Peace: Rejecting Violence to Secure Human Rights’

Organized By:  USA

Country:  International Civil Society action Network (ICAN), USA

Duration:  June 2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on ‘Countering violent extremism in Asia:  The role of development assistance

Organized By:  The Asia Foundation and Supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Country:  Thailand

Duration:  October 2015

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on ‘Strengthening Cooperation and Collaboration Among Civil Society Networks Around the Preventing Violent Extremism Agenda’

Organized By:  Geneva Centre for Security Policy (Geneva)  and  The Prevention Project (EU) Country:  SWITZERLAND

Duration:  April 2017

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

South Asia Programme, on ‘Situational Analysis Workshop’

Organized By:  Conciliation Resources UK, Safer world and International Crises Group-USA

Country:  OMAN

Duration:  July 2017

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on ‘Engaging Communities in Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Incitement in Asia

Organized By:  UNWOMEN Thailand

Country:  THAILAND

Duration:  September 2017

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Seminar on Reintegrating Fighters: Highlighting Implementation Priorities for Developing Countries

Organized By:  UNDP and Institute for Security Studies, South Africa

Country:  ETHIOPIA

Duration:  August 2018

Attended by: Chairperson Shafqat Mehmood

Workshop on Resources Mobilization, Management and Governance of NGO

Country: Sri Lanka

Duration:  November 2008

Attended by: Assistant executive director (Finance) Amir Ali

Training on Micro Finance, Micro Enterprises and Women Empowerment

Organization: NIILM – CMS and Rai Foundation at New Delhi

Country: India

Duration:  November –December 2011

Attended by: Assistant executive director (Finance) Amir Ali