PAIMAN Alumni Trust: Newsletter July-2015.
PAIMAN Alumni Trust: Newsletter July-2015.
PAIMAN strongly condemns the horrific child abuse scandal of Distict Kasur of Punjab. Those responsible for instigating this heinous crime should be brought to justice without delay. The government should ensure through their actions and policies that no child in Pakistan will ever suffer the same pain and humiliation at the hands of sick criminals.… Continue reading No to Child Abuse!
As the youth of today you have the responsibility to rise, act and be proactive. We believe that you have the strength and dynamism to generate a huge transformation in society. You are the generation in whom we have entrusted the future prosperity and growth of this Nation. Have Faith in your abilities and vow… Continue reading Happy Youth Day!
The 8th meeting of Community of Practice was held at PAIMAN House on 10th June 2015, This meeting was called by UNDP and hosted by PAIMAN Alumni Trust. The meeting was attended by 7 civil society organizations which are working on prevention and reduction of armed violence and radicalization and peacebuilding at different levels. On… Continue reading 8th Meeting of Community of Practice held in PAIMAN Alumni Trust
The President of the General Assembly has selected Ms. Mossarat Qadeem Executive Director of PAIMAN Alumni Trust Pakistan to serve as a panelist in the discussion on “practical strategies to foster peaceful, inclusive societies and to counter the threat of radicalization and violent extremism.” The event will take place on 21-22 April 2015 at United Nations Headquarters… Continue reading Ms. Mossarat Qadeem Executive Director of PAIMAN Alumni Trust Pakistan, to serve as panelist at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
A two day sensitization workshop regarding interfaith harmony and women’s role in peacebuilding, peaceful coexistence and social cohesion was organized by PAIMAN Alumni Trust, at PAIMAN House, Islamabad for Women leaders of religious political parties’, women leaders from other faiths and female social activists. PAIMAN has already oriented/sensitized over 1,000 Madrassa students and 130 non-Muslim… Continue reading sensitization on Peacebuilding
In its effort to build peace with tolerant attitudes for all segments of society, PAIMAN organized a District Dialogue Forum in Bajaur Agency. In spite of the intense security situation, PAIMAN was successful in gathering the community to hold a Dialogue forum to discuss the need for peaceful coexistence and social cohesion. The highlights of… Continue reading District Dialogue Forums in Bajaur Agency
PAIMAN shoulders the responsibility of incorporating and analyzing Gender and Conflict sensitivity in education in Pakistan. A two day gender sensitization and capacity building training was conducted by PAIMAN, for officials of the KPK Education Department, Teacher Inquiry Group (TIG), Teacher Training Institute (TTI) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) on the 7th and 8th of… Continue reading Gender and Conflict sensitivity in education
Capacity building training of the 8th batch of Youth TOLANA and Mother TOLANA was held at PAIMAN Alumni Trust Islamabad from 22nd to 27th August 2014. The training was attended by 19 participants. The interactive workshops covered various aspects of conflict transformation, leadership, community peace building, community mobilization and women’s role in post-conflict/disaster management. Furthermore,… Continue reading CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP