Under the umbrella of project named “Communities waging peace through youth and mothers peace groups’ networking sessions were conducted in Islamabad & Peshawar in phase III of the project. The main objective of these sessions was to strengthen coordination between policy makers, civil society members, Govt officers/officials, elders of the community, elected members of the community and TOLANA members. The aim of this activity was to facilitate the participants to come together to strengthen the peace restoration program in their communities. In these sessions more than 60 participants participated and shared their views and case studies which were reflective of the TOLANAs interventions, which they made after getting training from PAIMAN.

All trained stakeholders also shared their views. On this occasion the TOLANA also gave useful suggestions regarding their work. At the end of the session the District Coordinators thanked the participants for their active participation and asked the TOLANA to pledge their support and cooperation for building peaceful communities.