A six day capacity building workshop of TOLANA members and Mothers was conducted at PAIMAN House from the 24th of May to 29th of May 2014.
The training was attended by thirty three participants. The main focus of the training was to develop the skills of the participants on conflict transformation, leadership, community peace building, community mobilization, women’s role in post-conflict/disaster management, planning, reconstruction and rehabilitation and networking. Furthermore, TOLANA members were also tasked to develop their own action Plan as a post training assignment.
The mentioned training was the third of a series of trainings that have been planned under the ‘Communities Waging Peace through Youth and Mothers Peace Groups’ project which is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
During their six day stay at PAIMAN House, the participants were also taken out for a recreational activity to Rawal Lake which they enjoyed immensely.
Youth and Mothers peace groups training