PAIMAN Humanitarian Support – COVID 19

While working on pandemic preparedness, outbreak detection and response, PAIMAN control strategies are based on our little knowledge that we gather up every day from our Peace Groups TOLANA’s members in the areas particularly effected by COVID 19. Overall we are applying “containment” strategies until now which means controlling the importation of disease and strict isolation of… Continue reading PAIMAN Humanitarian Support – COVID 19

Democracy and Governance

To promote democracy and governance, PAIMAN seeks to build the institutions, legal and policy frameworks, capacity of professionals, and citizen participation that breathe legitimacy and fairness into government and increase public confidence in government institutions. We conduct in-depth political economy analyses to find the best ways to connect governments with citizens and involve stakeholders in… Continue reading Democracy and Governance

Health and Education

Cultural Exchange Program: World Learning implemented the English Access Micro-scholarship Program for students and teachers, in collaboration with PAIMAN Alumni Trust in Pakistan. This international educational and cultural exchange program was highly interactive, action oriented and engaging. It was designed to balance appropriate challenge and support so that participants could develop new ways to foster… Continue reading Health and Education

Gender and Development

GBV Multi-Sectoral Response in KP & FATA: PAIMAN has successfully implemented a project on Gender based Violence with the support of UNFPA to minimize the impact of violence on women and girls, and protect women IDP camps as well, in host communities in crisis/disaster hit areas (Peshawar, Lower Dir and Mohmand Agency). The project covered… Continue reading Gender and Development

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Repair of critical small bridges, roads/pathways, culverts and restoration of water channels in Thatta: PAIMAN has implemented a early recovery of 40,000 flood affectees of 5 targets UCs in Thatta District through community restoration by repair of critical small bridges, roads/pathways, culverts and restoration of water channels with the support of Emergency Response Fund (ERF).… Continue reading Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Political Education & Leadership Development

Community Mobilization and Political Education: PAIMAN works with communities at grass-roots level through its existing network of active male and female members across Pakistan. We conduct needs assessment, mobilize communities and help build their capacities to play a meaningful role in their communities. PAIMAN focuses on mobilizing communities for strengthening democracy in the country. From… Continue reading Political Education & Leadership Development

Economic Empowerment of marginalized groups especially women

Currently PAIMAN is operating two skill building institutes (income generation) in Thatta and Islamabad by the name of ‘JWANDOON’ (The Life). Through this initiative, PAIMAN has provided support to more than 400 marginalized women and girls. They receive trainings on home bakery, arts & craft, stitching, embroidery, computer and beautician’s courses. As contributors to the… Continue reading Economic Empowerment of marginalized groups especially women


Capacity building training of the 8th batch of Youth TOLANA and Mother TOLANA was held at PAIMAN Alumni Trust Islamabad from 22nd to 27th August 2014. The training was attended by 19 participants. The interactive workshops covered various aspects of conflict transformation, leadership, community peace building, community mobilization and women’s role in post-conflict/disaster management. Furthermore,… Continue reading CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP OF TOLANA

District Dialogue Forums in Bajaur Agency

In its effort to build peace with tolerant attitudes for all segments of society, PAIMAN organized a District Dialogue Forum in Bajaur Agency. In spite of the intense security situation, PAIMAN was successful in gathering the community to hold a Dialogue forum to discuss the need for peaceful coexistence and social cohesion. The highlights of… Continue reading District Dialogue Forums in Bajaur Agency

PAIMAN prepares vulnerable youth as agents of change

In continuation of a series of trainings, the eleventh and final batch of students was invited from educational institutes of Peshawar for a four days training workshop on Youth Civic Engagement through Leadership, Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. The prime objective of the whole initiative has been to build a pool of male and female… Continue reading PAIMAN prepares vulnerable youth as agents of change

Scholarship Programs Information

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